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Prunus 'angustifolia' 80-100 cm

This variety grows more compact and has a smaller leaf than the other species. It blooms in May and June with small white, fragrant flowers.

1 Reviews
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Product description

✔ Prunus ' angustifolia '
✔ Grows compact
✔ need not be pruned much
✔ ' Portuguese Laurel '
✔ Small white scented flowers

Height: 80-100 cm
Type: Pot
Evergreen: Yes
Diseases: no
Resistant to salty sea air: Yes
Growth rate 2nd year after planting: slow
Soil Type: All soil types, but not too high Ph
Leaf color: Green
Period Plantation: The whole year
Frequency pruning: 1 x per year (April)

Condition: Nieuw

EAN: 6150701043074

Product specification

Flowering months

May May
June June

Planten algemeen

Type Pot
Native plant
Size (on purchase, measured without pot/root ball) 80-100 cm
Adult height depending on more or less pruning
Evergreen Yes
Winter Hardy
Flowering plant
Blooming Spring
Flower colour White
leaf color Green
Water requirements Drinks on average
Planting period The whole year
Growth rate Average
Type of soil Flexibel
Frequency pruning / year 1
Resistant to salty sea air
Planting distance per meter/m² 3/m - 9/m²
Habitat Sun-penumbra
10% pick-up discount on this product! (* on pick-up at the nursery, not cumutable)


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Éliane 14-12-2021 15:37 Zonder probleem ontvangen - heel mooi

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Prunus 'angustifolia' 80-100 cm
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