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Malus domestica Gala Bio P23 - apple - low stem - organic fruit tree

The 'Gala' apple tree on low stem blooms in spring with white-pink blossoms that transform into delicious, juicy apples with a mildly sour flavour and a beautiful red-yellow colour.

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Product description

The 'Gala' apple tree on low stem blooms in spring with white-pink blossoms that transform into delicious, juicy apples with a mildly sour flavour and a beautiful red-yellow colour. These apples are ready to harvest in October. The advantage of a low-trunk tree is that it is suitable for smaller gardens and the fruit is easy to pick without a ladder. In winter, the tree loses its leaves, but it resists frost well.


This tree likes a sunny to semi-shaded spot (the more sun, the sweeter the fruit) with a nutritious soil. The 'Gala' apple tree is not self-pollinating, so for a good harvest, one of the apple varieties listed next to this tree should also be planted.

Pruning and maintenance of the 'Gala' apple tree - low bush

The 'Gala' apple tree on low stem is easy to prune. The tree is grafted on a slow-growing rootstock, so it grows slower than normal. To get the best fruit yield, the tree should be pruned regularly to keep it light and airy with only a limited number of main branches. The height of the tree can be determined as desired. New branches grow up from the main branches every year. Cut these branches back to 10 cm from the main branch. The short twigs that remain will thicken and in time, flowers will grow on them to form apples. Prune the tree in the winter months in frost-free weather.
  • medium-sized apple, one half dark red (sunny side) the other green-yellow
  • Max. height: 3 - 4 metres high
  • Fruit period/harvest time: Ready to pick : end of September (consumption from October to February/March )
  • Flowering colour: Slightly fragrant whitish-pink blossoms bud from pink buds
  • Flowering month: April, May , medium flowering, spring flowering
  • Hardy
  • Position: full sun, semi shade
  • Soil type: flexible (not salt-tolerant)
  • Pot size: 23 cm
  • Type: not self-pollinating, ideal in combination with elstar (also available at the nursery)
  • NL-BIO-01

Condition: Nieuw

EAN: 8719474816308

Product specification

Organic fruit

Type of fruit Appel
Start harvest period Early Autumn
Flowering period Spring
10% pick-up discount on this product! (* on pick-up at the nursery, not cumutable)


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Malus domestica Gala Bio P23 - apple - low stem - organic fruit tree
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