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Campanula Poscharskyana 'E.H. Frost'

Campanula porscharskyana 'E.H. Frost' is a leafy perennial with a low-lasting, carpet-forming habitus and heart-shaped, medium green to dark green sawn leaves.

2 Reviews
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Product description

Campanula porscharskyana 'E.H. Frost' is a leafy perennial with a low-lasting, carpet-forming habitus and heart-shaped, mid-green to dark green sawn leaves .this bell flower blooms from June to August with richly many white, star-shaped flowers. This campanula likes a pitch in full sun or semi-shade and prefers a well-permeable normal to dry soil. The plant is well hardy, reasonable to good sea wind tolerant, tolerates air pollution, lures butterflies, bees and insects.

Condition: Nieuw

EAN: 6150701848853

Product specification

Flowering months

June June
July July
August August
September September

Planten algemeen

Type Pot 9 x 9 cm
Native plant
Adult height 0.1 - 0.15 m
Evergreen Yes
Winter Hardy
Flowering plant
Blooming Summer
Flower colour White
leaf color Green
Water requirements Do not drink much
Planting period The whole year
Growth rate Average
Type of soil Flexibel
Frequency pruning / year 1
Resistant to salty sea air
Planting distance per meter/m² 3/m - 9/m²
Habitat Sun-penumbra
10% pick-up discount on this product! (* on pick-up at the nursery, not cumutable)


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Jenny 23-11-2023 21:13 plantjes waren super goed verpakt. de plantjes waren ook heel stevig.
hoe ze groeien dat zien we pas volgend voorjaar.
23-10-2021 12:35

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Campanula Poscharskyana 'E.H. Frost'
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