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Aquilegia vulgaris - Organic perennial

There are about 120 different species of Columbine, all of which have three-lobed, blue-green leaves and beautiful, striking flowers. They are perennial, herbaceous plants that are hardy.

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Pros and cons:
product pro icon Organic & indigenous plant!
product pro icon Large pot size (P12.5 or P11) = full of life = extra strong!

Product description

There are about 120 different species of Columbine, all of which have three-lobed, blue-green leaves and beautiful, striking flowers. They are perennial, herbaceous plants that are hardy.

The Columbine has bell-shaped, pendulous flowers on thin stems. The flowers consist of different colours, which provide a nice colour palette when flowering. The varieties all flower from April to July. 

Planting or sowing Columbines is best done in late autumn and early spring. The plant flowers best in full sun but will also tolerate half-shadow. It prefers well-drained soil and is an easy plant that will also self-sow. The soil should remain moist, so in dry weather the plant should be given plenty of water. 


Condition: Nieuw

EAN: 8720211760044

Product specification

Edible ?


Flowering months

May May
June June
July July

Planten algemeen

Type Pot 12 cm
Native plant
Adult height 0.5 - 0.6 m
Evergreen No
Winter Hardy
Flowering plant
Blooming Spring
Flower colour Blue
leaf color Green
Planting period The whole year
Growth rate Average
Type of soil Flexibel
Resistant to salty sea air
Planting distance per meter/m² 3/m - 9/m²
Habitat Sun-penumbra-shadow
10% pick-up discount on this product! (* on pick-up at the nursery, not cumutable)


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P. 20-04-2023 15:08 Netjes verstuurd in goede staat

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Aquilegia vulgaris - Organic perennial
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